Montana State Legislature

2009-2010 Revenue and Transportation Committee

The Revenue and Transportation Committee is a 12-member, joint bipartisan committee of the Legislature that meets between legislative sessions. It has administrative rule review, draft legislation review, program evaluation, and monitoring responsibilities for the Montana Department of Revenue and the Montana Department of Transportation.

The committee also conducts interim studies and generally reviews matters related to taxation and transportation.

November 19, 2010 Full Committee
Agenda (Revised 11-18-10)
Overview of Montana's Labor and Business Trends -- Barbara Wagner, Department of Labor and Industry
Montana's Economic Recovery -- Patrick Barkey and Paul Polzin, Bureau of Business and Economic Research, U of M
Economic Impact Statement MAR Notice 42-2-845 -- Department of Revenue 
Economic Impact Statement Mar Notice 42-2-846 -- Department of Revenue
Tax Haven Report -- Department of Revenue
Administrative Rule Review - Jaret Coles
Economic Impact Statements - Proposed Rules MAR 42-2-845 and MAR 42-2-846 - Lee Heiman 

  • September 15-16, 2010 Full Committee

Revised Draft Agenda

The Macroeconomic Landscape for Montana and the U.S. 2011-2013 - James Diffley, IHS Global Insight

The Economic Outlook for Montana and the U.S. - Steve Cochrane, Moody's Analytics

Memorandum on revising revenue estimating process - Jeff Martin

Memorandum on insurance by the mile - Megan Moore

Memorandum on agricultural land value before reappraisal - Jaret Coles

Appendix A on agricultural land value before reappraisal

Appendix B on agricultural land value before reappraisal

Committee Requested Bill Drafts

  • LC 0147 - Reduce tax rate on class four property under certain conditions
  • LC 8001 - Public disclosure of realty transfer certificate for class four residential property
  • LC 8002 - Public disclosure of realty transfer certificates for class four commercial property

    Other Bill Draft
  • LC 4007 - Create a commercial property reappraisal subcommittee 

    Department of Revenue Reports - Alternative approach to cyclical reappraisal; Commercial property cap. rates; Commercial property income valuation components; Fiscal impacts of LC0147

Affordable Auto Insurance -- Patrick Butler, National Organization for Women (NOW) 
SJ 16 Study of Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists -- PowerPoint, Mari Kindberg, Rates Bureau, Insurance Commissioner
Overview of Property Tax Circuit Breakers and Description of Circuit Breakers in Montana
Property Taxation of Natural Gas Pipeline Property Report 
Status of Oil and Gas Pipelines Under SB 489
Rule Review 
Montana Department of Transportation Amtrak PowerPoint presentation
Department of Revenue Reports

Background Report on Montana's Individual Income Tax for SJR 37 Study
HB 658 Study Plan
General Fund Status: Fiscal 2009 Actual /2011 Biennium Projected -- Legislative Fiscal Division
General Fund Slides -- Legislative Fiscal Division
Rural-Urban Partnership -- Bill Bryan, Rural Landscape Institute
Past Legislative Proposals to Tie Montana Income Tax Liability to a Percentage of Federal Tax Liability 
Rule Review
Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Laws
Montana Department of Transportation Reports -- American Recovery and Reauthorization Act Funding and Projects, and Federal Reauthorization of Transportation Funding
9-1-1 Program Prepaid Wireless Services -- Department of Administration
Department of Revenue Reports (including SJR 37 Study Married Filing Separately Report) --

Operating procedures for interim committees
2009-2010 draft interim workplan
HB 657 - Taxation of oil and natural gas property draft study plan
SJR 16 - Uninsured and underinsured motorists draft study plan
SJR 37 - Married taxpayers income tax filing draft study plan
Proposed High and Wide Corridors Briefing--Montana Department of Transportation
Rulemaking and Powers of Interim Committees
Rule Review
House Taxation Committee letter
FY 2009 General Fund Revenue Update--report--Legislative Fiscal Division
FY 2009 General Fund Presentation--slides--Legislative Fiscal Division

  • HB 657 - Study of the taxation of oil and natural gas property
  • HB 658 - Property reappraisal mitigation legislation and request to review property tax assistance methods (Section 14)
  • SJR 16 - Study of uninsured and underinsured motorists
  • SJR 37 - Study of filing status of married taxpayers
  • Residential and Commercial Property Subcommittee: Rep. Dick Barrett (chair), Rep. Bill Nooney, Sen. Kim Gillan, Sen. Christine Kaufmann, Sen. Jeff Essmann, Sen. Bruce Tutvedt.
  • Agricultural and Forest Land Subcommittee: Sen. Jim Peterson (chair), Rep. Carlie Boland, Rep. Roy Hollandsworth, Rep. Brian Hoven, Rep. Mike Jopek, Sen. Ron Erickson.
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