Montana State Legislature
Pension Oversight Duties
Under section 5-5-228, MCA, the committee shall:
- consider the actuarial and fiscal soundness of the state's public employee retirement systems, based on reports from the teachers' retirement board, the public employees' retirement board, and the board of investments, and study and evaluate the equity and benefit structure of the state's public employee retirement systems;
- establish principles of sound fiscal and public policy as guidelines;
- as necessary, develop legislation to keep the retirement systems consistent with sound policy principles; and
- publish, for legislators' use, information on the state's public employee retirement systems that the committee considers will be valuable to legislators when considering retirement legislation.
August 20, 2013 - Meeting Materials
- Agenda- Minutes Log- audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- TRS Board benefit and funding policy
- PER Board benefit and funding policy
- PER Board actuarial valuation assumptions policy
- Board of Investments policy on investing pension funds
- Board of Investments letter with links to addtional materials
- CEM Benchmarking Results, Dec. 31, 2012
- Pension principles adopted by 2011-2012 SAVA
- Legislator's Guide to Pensions: 2008
October 21, 2013 - Meeting Materials
- Agenda- Minutes Log -audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- Letter from David Ewer, Exec. Dir., Board of Investments
- Graph of historical investment returns, Cliff Sheets, Chief Investment Officer
- TRS - Dave Senn's summary presentation on actuarial findings
- TRS - Actuary's presentation to TRS Board, Sept. 27, 2013
- TRS - Actuarial report, Sept. 27, 2013
- PERB - Economic experience study, Sept. 12, 2013
- PERB - LFD memo, PERB decisions on actuarial assumptions, Sept. 12, 2013
- PERB - Actuarial presenation to PER Board, Oct. 10, 2013
- PERB - Roxanne Minnehan's presentation on actuarial findings for MPERA retirement plans, Oct. 21, 2013
- Email to SAVA and copy of lawsuit filed concerning HB 377 (TRS pension bill)
February 6, 2014 - Meeting Materials
- Agenda -Minutes Log- audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- Legislative Research Brief on Plan Choice Rate
April 9, 2014 - Meeting Materials
- Agenda- Minutes Log- audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- Pension plan triggers, MCA sections
- Pension Lawsuits Procedural Status Updates
June 5, 2014 - Meeting Materials
- Agenda- Minutes Log- audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- Request for board meetings to be held in Captiol
- Response by Budget Director Dan Villa
- Letter from David Ewer, Exec. Dir. of Board of Investments
- LCsa03 - bill draft revising contributions related to triggers in PERS -revised as of 6/2/2014
- Summary of LCsa03 and some policy questions
August 15, 2014 - Meeting Materials
- Agenda -Minutes Log -audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- Public comment from Terry Smith on LC0144 (formerly LCsa03)
November 17, 2014 - Meeting Materials
- Agenda - Minutes Log -audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- Green Sheet Summary Charts of 2014 Actuarial Valuation Results
- TRS PowerPoint on July 1, 2014, Valuation Results
- Board of Investments PowerPoint
- TRS benefits and funding policy
- MPERA benefits and funding policies
- Board of Investments policy
- SAVA's pension policy principles - 2012
- Info request responses to Sen. Lewis
- TRS cashflow - PERS cashflow
- Legislator's Guide, 2008
- LFD Quick Notes on prior pension bills
- LSD sample template for pension bill analysis
- LC 144, LC 144b, LC 144c - Three options for revising the termination of certain contributions in PERS
- LC 332 - Revising allocation of employer contributions in the PERS DC plan
Staff Legal Memos
- Pension Case Law Update - June 12, 2012
- Constitutionality of Amending GABA - Jan. 27, 2012
- Previous legal memos for background:
- Constitutionality of Potential Legislation Modifying GABA
- Addendum to August 14, 2009, Memo Regarding GABA
- 1998 Memo to CPERS (referenced in August 14, 2009 memo)
- Previous legal memos for background:
- Retirement Litigation Report - Oct. 20, 2011
Key actuarial funding bills from 2013 Session